The Light of a Winter Night
Małgorzata Podzielny – conductor
NFM Boy’s Choir
NFM Choir
NFM Leopoldinum Orchestra
GENRE: vocal and instrumental ensemble
„For me, Christmas carols are associated with a certain nostalgia – these melodies have always reminded me of childhood, and I think it will always be like that. They were some of the first melodies I learned to play on my (actually borrowed from my little sister) plastic harmonica. I wanted to harmonise this nostalgia of the irretrievable past. Even in the most cheerful, hopeful Christmas carols, the harmonic layer is not clear-cut. It has the beautiful quality of ruling over the emotionality of music to a great extent – it gives it context. Thanks to it, the door to other dimensions, even of the simplest melodies, can open, and carols to which our ear is already used to can take on a new meaning.“
Michał Ziółkowski
Michał Ziółkowski (*1991)
1. Puer natus in Bethlehem (2015) 5’44
2. Jam jest dudka (I am the piper of my Jesus)(2014–15) 2’28
version for mixed choir, boys’ choir and orchestra
3. Mizerna cicha (Meagre and quiet) (2014–15) 4’22
version for mixed choir, boys’ choir and orchestra
4. Przybieżeli do Betlejem pasterze (Shepherds have come to Bethlehem) (2015) 3’28
5. Lulajże, Jezuniu (Hush little Jesus) (2015) 4’53
6. O gwiazdo betlejemska (Oh, Bethlehem Star) (2015) 4’47
7. Gore gwiazda Jezusowi (A star glows to Jesus) (2015) 3’11
Światło zimowej nocy – (The Light of a Winter Night) – a Christmas suite for boys’ choir, mixed choir (SATB) and chamber orchestra (2017, rev. 2020)
8. I. Veni, veni Emmanuel (2017) 4’40
solo: Aleksandra Turalska
9. II. Hej, w dzień narodzenia (Hey, at the day of the only Son’s Nativity) (2020) 3’32
10. III. Vidimus stellam (2017) 2’33
11. IV. Nad Betlejem w ciemną noc (Ov’r Bethlehem in dark night) (2017) 4’57
solo: Małgorzata Ciężka-Kątnik
12. V. Światło zimowej nocy (The Light of a Winter Night) (2020) 6’04
13. VI. Do szopy, hej, pasterze (To the shed, hey shepherds) (2017) 3’28
solo: Agnieszka Ryman
14. VII. Nunc dimittis (2017) 6’08
solo:Ewelina Wojewoda, Aleksandra Turalska
Total time: 60:09