The Salzburg Marian Mass
Maciej Gocman – tenor
Jerzy Butryn – bass
Chór Chłopięcy NFM
Małgorzata Podzielny – chorus master
Artyści Chóru NFM
Wrocław Baroque Ensemble
GENRE: oratorio and cantata music
On 9th September 1777 Mozart composed the gradual Sancta Maria KV 273, namely a day after the feast of the Birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary and two weeks before embarking on his extensive journey to Munich and Paris with high hopes for the future. The work was written as a prayer for the safekeeping of his family. The same year he also wrote another Marian piece – the offertory Alma Dei Creatoris KV 277 and Missa brevis KV 275. The journey turned out to be a total disaster aggravated by dashed hopes of a foreign career, unrequited love for Aloysia Weber, but above all the death of his mother (she died on 3rd July 1778 in Paris, where she is buried). One should bear in mind that in past centuries the High Mass was celebrated in a completely different manner than today. Congregation participation was minimal and relied mainly on experiencing the drama’s mystery that unfolded before the eyes of the faithful. Furthermore, it was possible for nearly all sections of the Mass to be performed by singers and instrumentalists or they could be purely instrumental.
Our reconstruction is complemented with Mozart’s ecclesiastical sonatas, and the recording features a boys’ choir and an ensemble of historical instruments modelled on Salzburg instrumental ensembles from Mozart’s time.
1. INTROITUS: Sonata in B flat major KV 212 4:26
2. KYRIE: Missa brevis in B flat major KV 275 1:28
3. GLORIA: Missa brevisin B flat major KV 275 2:55
4. GRADUALE ad Festum B.M.V.: Sancta Maria, Mater Dei in F major KV 273 3:31
5. CREDO: Missa brevis in B flat major KV 275 3:59
6. OFFERTORIUM de B.M.V.: Alma Dei creatoris in F major KV 277 3:57
7. SANCTUS: Missa brevis in B flat major KV 275 1:07
8. BENEDICTUS: Missa brevis in B flat major KV 275 2:33
9. SONATA PER L ELEVATIONE: Sonata in E flat major KV 67 4:21
10. AGNUS DEI: Missa brevis in B flat major KV 275 1:46
11. DONA NOBIS: Missa brevis in B flat major KV 275 2:54
12. COMMUNIO: Sonata in F major KV 244 6:10
13. POSTCOMMUNIO: Sonata in F major KV 224 4:48
14. POSTLUDIUM: Ave verum Corpus in D major KV 618 2:25
Total time: 46:33