Lasoń Ensemble
Kameraliści Mikołowa
Ensemble was founded in 2009 by five musicians who share a passion for chamber music. All the members of the ensemble – the pianist Piotr Sałajczyk along with the violinists Krzysztof Lasoń and Agnieszka Lasoń, the violist Elżbieta Mrożek-Loska and the cellist Stanisław Lasoń – are graduates of the Karol Szymanowski Academy of Music in Katowice.
In 2010 the Lasoń Ensemble was awarded the 3rd prize in the “Contessa Tina Orsi Anguissola Scotti” Chamber Music Competition in Val Tidone, Italy. The ensemble has taken part in festivals, including the Beijing Modern Music Festival in China, the International Festival “Youth Music Forum” in Kiev and the International Music Festival “Virtuosi” in Lviv, both in Ukraine. The ensemble has participated in the recording of CDs dedicated to the music of Aleksander Nowak, Paweł Hendrich, Justyna Kowalska-Lasoń and Stanisław Bromboszcz for the DUX label and Polish Radio, Katowice. It has also recorded soundtracks for such films as: Negatives of Memory (Klisze Pamięci), My Pole (Mój Biegun) and Agata’s Lesson (Lekcja Agaty).
The town of Mikołów has become their home and patron. The ensemble was awarded the title of 2011 Distingushed Resident of Mikołów for its contribution to the town’s promotion.
The members of the ensemble have won competitions in Aix-en-Provence, Elbląg, Kraków, Poznań, Oldenburg and Warsaw. They perfected their skills at master classes conducted by such teachers as Zakhar Bron, Paul de Clerck, Marina Jashvili, Yair Kless, Kurt Levin, Wolfgang Marschner, Marek Moś, Jeroen Reuling, Christoph Wyneken, Grigori Zhislin and Krystian Zimerman. They have performed in Europe, the United States, Brazil, China, Kirgizstan, Georgia, India and Nepal. Krzysztof Lasoń, Elżbieta Mrożek-Loska and Piotr Sałajczyk all teach at the Karol Szymanowski Academy of Music in Katowice.