Lech Łotocki
Theatre and television actor. Graduate of the Łódź Film School. For almost twenty years he was associated with Poznań theatres. He made his debut at the Polski Theatre to move later to the Nowy Theatre under the direction of Izabella Cywińska. During that period he played many roles from the classical and contemporary repertoire, including the leading role in A. Hanuszkiewicz\’s production of Wacława dzieje (The History of Wacław) by Garczyński, the part of Sigismund in Calderon\’s Life Is a Dream (directed by Wojciech Szulczyński), the role of Crazy Jurek-Death in Tadeusz Nowak\’s A jak królem, a jak katem będziesz (When You\’re a King, When You\’re a Hangman; directed by Janusz Nyczak; an award for acting at the Festival of Contemporary Arts in Wrocław), Xavery in Stefan Żeromski\’s Turoń (directed by I. Cywińska; an award for acting at the Festival of Classical Arts in Opole), the role of A.A. in Sławomir Mrożek\’s Emigranci (TheEmigrants; directed by W. Szulczyński) and Groom in Stanisław Wyspiański\’s Wesele (The Wedding; directed by I. Cywińska). He also featured in theatrical performances by Janusz Wiśniewski: Koniec Europy (The End of Europe), Modlitwa chorego przed nocą (A Sick Person\’s Prayer Before Nightfall), Olśnienie (The Flash), Życie jest cudem (Life is a Miracle) – all winning prizes at theatre festivals in Belgrade, Nancy, Edinburgh and Jerusalem. At present the artist works with the Warsaw Rozmaitości Theatre and acts in such plays as Bzik tropikalny (The Tropical Craze), Bachantki (The Bacchants), Uroczystość (The Ceremony) and Burza (The Storm). His artistic output also includes over fifty film and television roles.